J and K Honey Pepper Beef Jerky

  • Journal List
  • Asian-Australas J Anim Sci
  • v.29(2); 2016 Feb
  • PMC4698708

Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2016 Feb; 29(2): 271–279.

Evaluation of Honey and Rice Syrup as Replacements for Sorbitol in the Production of Restructured Duck Jerky

Received 2015 May eighteen; Revised 2015 Jul 23; Accepted 2015 Sep vii.


The aim of this written report was to evaluate the potential of natural humectants such as honey and rice syrup to replace sorbitol in the production of restructured duck jerky. Each humectant was mixed at 3%, half dozen%, and 10% (wt/wt) concentrations with the marinating solution. The values of water activity and the moisture-to-protein ratio of all of the samples were maintained below 0.75. Jerky samples treated with honey retained more wet than those exposed to other treatments. Among all samples, those treated with 10% sorbitol produced the highest processing yield and the lowest shear force values. The highest L* value and the everyman b* value were observed for the sorbitol-treated sample, followed by the rice syrup- and beloved-treated samples. Duck hasty samples treated with 10% honey showed the highest scores for the sensory parameters evaluated. The overall acceptability scores of samples treated with rice syrup were comparable with those of samples treated with sorbitol. Microscopic observation of restructured duck jerky samples treated with honey showed stable forms and smaller pores when compared with other treatments.

Keywords: Dearest, Rice Syrup, Sorbitol, Restructured Duck Hasty


Meat jerky is a popular snack that is hands found in retail shops worldwide. Consumption of poultry, including duck, grows annually in accordance with meat production. For example, poultry meat production grew 1.6% from 2013 to 2014, while that of beef, pork, and lamb increased 0.5%, 1.1%, and 0.five%, respectively (FAO, 2015), indicating consumer preference for poultry. An increase in overall duck meat consumption stimulated the thought of using it to develop a new similarly processed product. Duck meat has its own specific gustatory modality and positive reputation every bit a healthy food, and it can be processed into a unique meat jerky that is different from other conventional jerky products. Moreover, white meat showed lower fat content, cholesterol, easier to handle portions, and less religious barriers compared to red meat (Jaturasitha et al., 2008). Besides, the use of tenderloin for manufacturing a duck hasty could be valuable because tenderloin has been treated as a byproduct and is cheaper than the other parts such as breasts and legs in Republic of korea. Therefore, duck jerky made of tenderloin can be an innovation to meet consumer demand for a healthier and less expensive duck meat product.

However, the drawbacks of manufacturing meat hasty using duck meat instead of beef and pork meat include the soft texture, stake colour, and specific odour. An advisable choice of humectant is therefore a prerequisite for preserving the intermediately moistened texture of such jerky products. Honey is a well-known traditional food that contains effectually 200 nutritive substances including vitamins, proteins, minerals, organic acids, flavonoids, phenolic acids, enzymes and other phytochemicals (Bertoncelj et al., 2007). It is the just natural humectant in a concentrated saccharide form that is used in food preservation worldwide (FAO, 1996). Moreover, honey has been reported to provide antioxidant effects, and to protect food from oxidative deterioration due to light, heat, and some metals (Gheldof and Engeseth, 2002; McKibben and Engeseth, 2002). Equally a natural antioxidant, beloved also provides health benefits, such as antimicrobial and antiviral activities, reduction of the risk of heart and gastrointestinal diseases, and wound healing (Nagai et al., 2006).

Rice syrup is also a natural humectant, consisting of dextrin, maltose, maltotriose, and a small-scale amount of glucose. It is produced by digesting cooked rice starch with saccharifying enzymes, followed by sieving and evaporation of the liquid until the desired consistency is obtained. Traditionally, saccharification is accomplished by sprouting barley grains in rice starch; all the same, industrial processes typically use enzymes purified from bacterial or fungal sources.

Sorbitol is an artificial humectant that is widely used in the hasty industry for several reasons: it has a depression caloric value, is well tolerated by diabetics, extends the shelf life of food products, and does not cause browning in nutrient when heated (Emerton and Choi, 2008). Sodium chloride, glycerol, propylene glycol, sucrose, corn syrup, and dextrose are also commonly used (Michio et al., 1987). Soon, trends in consumer lifestyle indicate preference for natural products, which are regarded to exist safer and healthier than constructed ones (Rajalakshmi and Narasimhan, 1996). Sorbitol, as information technology were, is considered "unnatural" by consumers. This study aims to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of duck jerkies treated with honey and rice syrup and compare them to those treated with sorbitol at different concentrations.


Training of restructured duck hasty samples

Duck meat samples (tenderloin with pH 6.00±0.11) were purchased from a local visitor (90 Ori-Q, Sonja Ryong Food, Pyeongchang, Korea). Restructured duck jerky is manufactured according to the process illustrated in Figure 1 and the recipe listed in Tabular array 1. Tenderloin was nerveless from slaughtered ducks, and frozen at −eighteen°C until experiments were conducted, ordinarily inside 2 d. The frozen meat was thawed at 5°C for 24 h prior to processing. The pH value of marinating solutions was four.83±0.02. Beloved (Acacia honey, Nonghyup National Agronomical Corp. Fed., Seoul, Korea), rice syrup (Ssalyeot, Ottogi Co., Ltd., Gangnam, Korea), and sorbitol (Sorbitol powder, Taewon Food Industry Co., Ltd., Ansan, Korea) were used as humectants. Each humectant was added at 3%, half-dozen%, and 10% (wt/wt) of the weight of raw meat. All subcutaneous and intramuscular fat were trimmed off, and meat was footing for 5 min using PM-85 (Mainca, Granollers, Barcelona, Kingdom of spain) fitted with a plate of 8-mm mesh. Subsequently, ground meat was marinated for 10 min in various solutions.

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Manufacturing process of restructured duck jerky.

Table 1

Recipe for restructured duck jerky

Ingredients Formulation (%, wt/wt)
Duck meat 100.00
Water 2.threescore
Salt 1.32
White pepper 0.19
All spices 0.09
Garlic pulverization 0.22
Ginger powder 0.14
Ascorbic acrid 0.08
Soybean sauce three.78
Sugar 1.89
Paprika powder 0.43
Smoke oil 0.05
Onion pulverisation 0.24
Red pepper 0.31
Black pepper 0.14
Celery pulverisation 0.28
Tartaric acid 0.03
Nucleotide pulverisation 0.07
Flavouring pulverisation 0.sixty
Humectants1 3.0/six.0/10.0

The mixture from each treatment was placed in different stainless bowls. The batter was blimp into a hasty gun (37-0111-Westward, Weston Products, Strongsville, OH, USA) and then squeezed onto parchment paper in 12×ii×0.5 cm pieces. The samples were dried in a thermal processing oven (FX61E1, Angelo Po, Modena, Italian republic) according to the following conditions: 10 min at 79°C/50% relative humidity (RH), thirty min at 74°C/50% RH, 90 min at 65°C/30% RH, and 210 min at 55°C/thirty% RH, before cooling at 10°C for 30 min. After drying and cooling process the restructured duck jerky samples were vacuum packed in a polyamide/polyethylene film with O2 permeability at 47 cmthree/thousand2·d·atm (Jinsung Chemical Co., Ltd., Busan, Korea).

H2o action (a w)

5 grams of duck jerky were cut into modest pieces using a pair of sharp scissors. The pieces were placed in an aluminium loving cup, and water action (a w) was adamant using a bench top water activity meter (Aqua Lab four TE, Decagon Devices Inc., Pullman, WA, United states) that had been calibrated at 25°C with an unsaturated solution of NaCl, the a w of which is 0.76.

Moisture-to-protein ratio

Moisture-to-protein ratio (MPR) was adamant by dividing the moisture content by the protein content of sample (AOAC, 2007). For the determination of moisture content, five grams of finely chopped samples were stale in an aluminium dish using a halogen moisture drying car (US/SX-2000, Tekmar-Dorhmann, Stonemason, OH, USA). The weight difference of samples before and later on drying was determined in triplicate on each duck hasty treatment. The protein content was determined by using a Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer (KjelFlex 1000-360, Buchi Labortechnik, Flawil, Switzerland), in accordance with the Kjeldahl procedure. A sample of 0.5 1000 was placed in a digestion tube along with two tablets containing potassium sulphate and selenium, mixed with xx mL full-bodied HtwoSO4, and then heated for 1.5 h. Later cooling for 30 min at ambient temperature, the solution was titrated at xx°C with 20 mL HCl in an 877 Titrino Plus titration motorcar (Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland). Information were recorded automatically later on the pH reached iii.8.

pH value

The pH value was measured in triplicate using a digital pH meter (Sg2-ELK, Mettler Toledo Co., Ltd., Greifensee, Switzerland). Duck jerky was cutting into small pieces, and ground in twoscore mL distilled water using a laboratory blender (Waring Commercial, Torrington, CT, USA) operated at depression and loftier speeds for 40 s each. Ten grams of the resulting slurry were and so homogenized using a T 18 Ultra-Turrax homogenizer (IKA Werke GmbH & Co., Staufen, Germany), and pH was measured in triplicate. The pH meter was calibrated at 25°C with standard buffers pH iv.0, seven.0, and 10.0.

Processing yields

Processing yields were determined using the method of Han et al. (2011). Processing yields were calculated by dividing the sample weight afterward drying by the weight before drying as follows:

Processing yields ( % ) = Jerky weight subsequently drying ( g ) Marinated meat weight before drying ( chiliad ) × 100

Shear strength

Shear forcefulness (N/cm2) was determined according to Faucitano et al. (2008). Briefly, duck jerky was cut into ii×ii×0.3 cm size, and shear force was measured in cross-sectional square cores at approximately the same location in each of x samples. Shear force measurements were carried out using a texture analyzer (TA.XT.plus, Texture Technologies Corp., Scarsdale, NY, USA) equipped with a heavy duty platform/blade prepare (HDP/BS) probe at a height of vi mm, and 50% strain. Samples were sheared crosswise with a 30-kg prison cell at a speed of one.5 mm/s. The probe was calibrated prior to measurement.

ii-Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS)

The two-Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) analysis was conducted using the method described by Sinhuber and Yu (1977). Briefly, 0.4 thou jerky was weighed into a thirty mL screw-capped pyrex tube (Pyrex, Bentonville, AR, USA), and mixed with 2 to 3 drops of antioxidant, 3 mL 2-thiobarbituric acid, and 17 mL trichloroacetic acrid (TCA)-HCl. The antioxidant solution was composed of mixtures of 0.iii g butylated hydroxyl anisole and 5.4 g propylene glycol, or of 0.3 g butylated hydroxyl toluene and 4.0 m Tween twenty. TCA-HCl was prepared past dissolving 25 grand trichloroacetic acrid in 60 mL 0.half dozen N HCl, and then using distilled water to make the book up to one,000 mL. Treated samples were then vortexed, and incubated for 30 min at 100°C in a boiling water bath to develop colour. The sample was cooled in common cold water for 10 min, and 5 mL of the supernatant was transferred to a x mL drinking glass tube. The supernatant was mixed with ii mL chloroform, and centrifuged for xv min at iii,500 rpm. Finally, absorbance at 532 nm of the cleared supernatant was measured confronting a blank containing all reagents except the sample. TBARS was adamant in triplicate and calculated co-ordinate to;

TBARS ( mg MDA / kg sample ) = ( Absorbance sample - Absorbance blank ) × 46 Sample weight ( g ) × 5

Surface color

The surface color of duck jerky samples was measured according to the CIE L* (whiteness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) system using a colorimeter (CR-400, Konica Minolta Sensing Inc., Tokyo, Japan), and then standardized to a white calibration plate (Y = 93.vii, x = 0.3132, and y = 0.3192). Surface colour was measured half dozen times for each treatment.


Restructured duck jerky was examined microscopically post-obit the method described past Hu et al. (2011), with some modifications. Approximately v grand of sample were covered with aluminum foil, although small-scale holes were made to permit air circulation. Samples were frozen at −18°C for 24 h, and and so freeze-dried using Make clean Vac (Hanil Science Industrial Co., Ltd., Incheon, Korea). Dried hasty was fractured using a scalpel knife into pieces approximately i×1×0.5 mm. Samples were then attached to the scanning electron microscope (SEM) stub with double-sided cellophane tape, and coated for 50 southward at 0.05 mbar with 21.4 m/cm3 platinum (Pt) using an SPI-Module Sputter Coater (Leica EM SC005, Leica Mikrosysteme GmbH., Vienna, Austria). Sections of the sample were examined using Audit F50 Quanta (FEI, Tokyo, Japan), a scanning electron microscope, at an accelerating voltage of 5.00 kV, 20,000× magnification, and 10.4 mm working distance.

Sensory evaluation

Sensory evaluation was performed by 11 to 12 panelists of Food Packaging Laboratory members who accept feel in the quality assessment of meat jerky. Panelists evaluated samples in terms of colour, flavour, tenderness, sweetness, and overall acceptability using a ix-point hedonic scale described in Meilgaard et al. (1999). Samples were placed on polypropylene trays, tagged with three-digit random numbers, and presented to panelists under 3-wavelength lamps at ane,200 sixty. Panelists were asked to rinse their mouths betwixt tastings using bottled water containing a few drops of apple tree vinegar (Ottogi Co., Ltd., Anyang, Korea).

Statistical analysis

Data were analysed using SPSS Statistics 12.0 for Windows Evaluation Version (SPSS, 2012). Statistical significance at p<0.05 was tested by i way analysis of variance and Duncan'southward multiple range tests.


Water activeness (a w) and moisture content

The values of a w and moisture content of restructured duck jerky treated with different concentrations of honey, rice syrup, and sorbitol are shown in Table 2. The measured a w values in all samples ranged between 0.709 and 0.744, indicating that the restructured duck jerky samples were produced beneath 0.85, which is the critical limit value for the growth of bacteria. Maintaining an a w below 0.85 is important for inhibiting Clostridium botulinum growth, which is tremendously toxic (McClure et al., 1994). For meat jerky, stability of a w is also necessary to avoid quality changes during storage (Leistner, 1985). Moreover, Banwart (1989) reports that low a w could extend the shelf life of food during storage. As reported by Quinton (1997) and Chang et al. (1996), meat jerky needs to be dried to a w in between 0.70 and 0.85 to reach stability. Results show that samples treated with honey could retain more moisture than those treated with the aforementioned concentration of rice syrup or sorbitol. Moreover, samples treated with 10% honey showed the lower a due west value while maintaining higher moisture content than samples treated with same concentrations of rice syrup and sorbitol (p<0.05). The ability of dearest to stabilize a w has been reported by Gleiter et al. (2006) to be due to its glucose content. Moreover, we achieved far lower a w values than those achieved by Cho and Lee (2000), who reported that a w in beef jerky treated with honey and rice syrup ranged betwixt 0.78 and 0.82 at 0 d. Presumeably, this is because our samples might have been longer at a higher temperature than the previous studies. In this light, the relatively high amounts of moisture retained by 10% honey signal that information technology could supercede sorbitol at the same concentration. According to Lee and Kang (2003), moisture content and thermal weather condition influence the tensile strength of ostrich jerky, which implies that jerky products with lower wet content are more difficult to tear into bite-size pieces than those with higher wet content.

Table ii

Comparing of water action, moisture content, and wet-to-protein ratio of restructured duck jerkies prepared with honey, rice syrup, and sorbitol

Treatments Concentration (%) a w Wet content (%) Moisture-to-protein ratio
Honey three 0.744±0.00a 36.15±0.04a 0.745±0.01a
six 0.733±0.00bc 35.01±0.28bc 0.730±0.03a
10 0.709±0.00g 34.66±1.00abc 0.720±0.03a
Rice syrup 3 0.733±0.00bc 33.93±ane.26bcd 0.745±0.02a
6 0.729±0.00c 33.93±i.24bcd 0.720±0.04a
10 0.725±0.00east 32.76±0.74d 0.720±0.00a
Sorbitol 3 0.735±0.00b 33.93±0.64bcd 0.740±0.03a
6 0.732±0.00c 32.84±0.01cd 0.735±0.01a
10 0.713±0.00f thirty.87±0.31e 0.705±0.04a

Moisture-to-protein ratio

The MPR of all samples ranged from 0.705 to 0.745 (Tabular array 2), indicating that these products can exist stored with minimal microbiological risk. MPR is one of the dryness parameters that determine the shelf life of dried meat products (Konieczny et al., 2007). Borneman et al. (2009) define the MPR value of 0.75 as the upper limit for assuring microbiological safety in meat products. Our samples were in line with the industrial standard, and were not significantly affected past the concentration of humectant (p>0.05). As reported by Konieczny et al. (2007), jerky is classified as intermediate-moisture food with low fatty (±iii.half dozen%) and moisture content (±20%), loftier poly peptide content (±50%), relatively high amounts of table salt (±6.0%), and water action beneath 0.8.

pH value

Measured pH levels are listed in Table 3. The pH values of the samples treated with honey and rice syrup were in the range of 5.97 to 6.04 and 5.99 to 6.02, respectively, while those of sorbitol were betwixt 6.01 and half-dozen.05. These results were slightly higher than the prior study conducted by Kim et al. (2014), who reported that the pH values of reconstructed duck jerky without humectants were in the range of 5.66 to five.74. In our study, the pH values were not significantly different among the samples at the same concentration level (p>0.05), except that the 10% honey sample showed a significantly lower pH value than the 10% sorbitol sample (p<0.05). This might exist related to the natural acerbity every bit a result of the predominant fat acrid compounds such as gluconic acid (Naman et al., 2005). According to Han et al. (2011) the pH of semi-dried chicken jerky with humectants such as konjac, egg albumin, and isolated soy protein was measured to exist in the range of 6.10 to half-dozen.fourteen, 6.10 to 6.17, and 6.xiv to vi.xv, respectively.

Tabular array 3

Comparison of pH, processing yield, shear force, and TBARS of restructured duck jerkies prepared with honey, rice syrup, and sorbitol

Treatments Concentration (%) pH Processing yield (%) Shear strength (North/cm2) TBARS (mg MDA/kg)
Love iii 6.04±0.02ab 45.27±1.42cd 25.46±3.54ab 0.82±1.00a
six 5.99±0.03cde 46.34±one.71bc 22.06±three.67bc 0.96±0.00a
10 5.97±0.00e 46.96±i.27b 20.05±2.57cd 0.98±0.01a
Rice syrup 3 six.02±0.00bc 44.12±i.04d 29.31±three.49a 0.73±0.08a
six half-dozen.00±0.01cd 44.18±1.11d 26.75±three.58ab 0.56±0.42a
10 five.99±0.02de 47.62±1.03b eighteen.48±3.68cd 0.43±0.la
Sorbitol 3 vi.05±0.02a 45.46±0.74cd 26.66±1.16ab 0.43±0.31a
6 vi.01±0.00cd 47.58±one.54b 17.70±1.44cd 0.43±0.sixteena
10 half dozen.01±0.02cd 49.39±one.14a 16.62±ii.36d 0.43±0.16a

Tests did non detect significant differences in pH between addition of 6% and 10% honey and rice syrup (p>0.05). However, hasty treated with ten% sorbitol had college pH than samples treated with honey at the aforementioned concentration (p<0.05). Interestingly, samples treated with a 10% love had the everyman pH values. Indeed, the acidity might help maintain quality, equally Ogahara et al. (1995) have reported that low pH inhibits or delays spoilage of dried meat due to mold and other microorganisms. From this signal of view, the samples with honey added as a natural humectant showed lower pH value than the samples treated with sorbitol, which could positively affect to inhibit microbial growth.

Processing yields

Processing yield values of duck jerkies with different concentration of humectants added are presented in Table 3. Processing yields ranged from 44.i% to 49.4%, and were positively correlated with humectants concentration. These results are in accordance with the study by Han et al. (2011), who demonstrated that application of various humectants increased processing yields of semi-dried craven jerky. In this written report, the increment in yield was greater with higher concentrations of sorbitol, and the highest yield was obtained with 10% sorbitol, even though there was no pregnant divergence betwixt samples treated with 6% and 10% honey, and between samples treated with honey and rice syrup at concentrations of 10% (p>0.05). Thus, application of x% honey or rice syrup could potentially increment processing yield, only non to the aforementioned extent as 10% sorbitol (p<0.05).

Shear forcefulness

Measurements of shear force are presented in Table three. Our data show that college concentration of humectant generally decreases shear force, suggesting a tender product. Consumer acceptance of meat and meat products depends to some degree on tenderness (Kim and Lee, 2003), which is commonly adamant by shear forcefulness measurement (Culler et al., 1978). In this study, out of all the humectant concentrations, samples treated with 10% humectant had the lowest shear force value, which tended to decrease with the higher addition of humectants. Based on these results, 10% honey or rice syrup produces better tenderness, and could substitute for sorbitol at the same concentration.

2-Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance

Lipid oxidation, as measured with TBARS (Tabular array 3), was not significantly different amidst batches (p>0.05), and ranged from 0.43 to 0.98 mg malondialdehyde/kg. Interestingly, incorporation of 10% honey increased TBARS reactivity, although not to a statistically meaning extent. However, this issue is in agreement with data from Cho and Lee (2000), which testify higher TBARS reactivity in beef jerky cured with dear than in those cured in rice syrup. A prior study demonstrates that TBARS values between 0.5 and 1.0 take been suggested equally the threshold for oxidized aroma and samples with values above i.0 tend to have an oxidized flavour (Sindelar et al., 2010). The TBARS values of the restructured duck jerky produced in this study were below the oxidation threshold for meat products.

Surface color

Colour as an indicator of meat quality is disquisitional to consumers' purchase decisions (Brewer et al., 2002). Table four summarizes the surface colour of duck jerky manufactured with different humectants. Lightness (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage [CIE] L*) was in the range of 24.51 to 27.fifteen, 28.23 to 28.seventy, and 29.10 to 29.47 for jerky cured in beloved, rice syrup and sorbitol, respectively. Samples treated with sorbitol showed higher CIE 50* values than those treated with rice syrup and honey, with the highest value obtained for samples treated with 10% sorbitol. Moreover, products treated with sorbitol have the highest CIE Fifty* value, followed past samples prepared with rice syrup and dearest. Presumably, the reason is that sorbitol did not produce browning during drying, as has been reported (Emerton and Choi, 2008).

Table 4

Comparing of surface color of restructured duck jerkies prepared with dear, rice syrup, and sorbitol

Treatments Concentration (%) L* a* b*
Dearest three 24.51±0.70due east v.08±0.53a iii.83±0.31a
half dozen 25.03±0.59due east four.23±0.57bc 2.83±0.44b
10 27.xv±0.53d 4.22±0.41bc 2.01±0.34c
Rice syrup 3 28.23±0.25c iv.66±0.44ab ii.57±0.23b
6 28.34±0.47c four.36±0.31bc 1.97±0.42c
10 28.70±0.41bc 4.04±0.51c 1.75±0.16cd
Sorbitol 3 29.10±0.52ab 4.eighteen±0.27bc one.65±0.16cd
6 29.20±0.thirtyab iv.06±0.37bc 1.58±0.22cd
10 29.47±0.30a three.97±0.64c 1.51±0.threescored

The CIE a* values were in the range of 4.22 to 5.08 for dear, 4.04 to 4.66 for rice syrup, and iii.97 to iv.eighteen for sorbitol, respectively. Interestingly, samples treated with three% honey showed the highest CIE a* values, which shows that beloved can maintain the red color of duck hasty at low concentrations. Yellowness (CIE b*) was in the range of 2.01 to 3.83, one.75 to two.57, and 1.51 to 1.65 for the jerkies manufactured with love, rice syrup, and sorbitol, respectively. Yellowness tended to decrease with college concentrations of humectants. Dearest handling resulted in more yellowish colour than did treatment with same concentrations of the other humectants, even though information technology decreased at higher concentrations. Cho and Lee (2000), reported that beef hasty samples treated with honey had higher CIE b* values than samples treated with rice syrup. The add-on of honey can therefore exist regarded every bit a method of increasing the yellow color of restructured duck jerky that is more than effective than rice syrup and sorbitol treatments. Moreover, CIE b* was lower in jerky prepared with sorbitol than in meat cured with love, and was not significantly unlike at unlike concentrations (p>0.05). Newman et al. (1999) described sorbitol every bit an odourless and near colourless humectant. Information technology is also worth mentioning that honey treatment is more effective in maintaining a dark reddish-yellow combined color in restructured duck hasty, which results in higher consumer credence, than rice syrup and sorbitol treatments.


As shown in Figure 2, representative SEM images of various jerky samples were markedly different from each other. The pores of the restructured duck jerky samples treated with honey had stable structural forms and remained smaller than those of the samples treated with rice syrup and sorbitol. This might be attributed to dear, which might be effective in retaining moisture within the jerky during the drying process, thereby facilitating the germination of smaller and more pores than that achieved with the other treatments. In dissimilarity, few pores were observed in samples treated with sorbitol. This observation might be linked to the fact that sorbitol does not retain wet to the same extent as honey and rice syrup. This result is consequent with Wongwiwat and Wattanachant (2010), who showed that sorbitol forms less hydrogen bonds than fructose-based humectants. In turn, reduced hydrogen bonding might result in less moisture retained during drying.

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Typical scanning electron microscope pictures of restructured duck jerkies prepared with half-dozen% honey (T1), 6% rice syrup (T2), and half dozen% sorbitol (T3) (wt/wt). Samples were coated with platinum (Pt) at twenty.000 magnification.

Sensory evaluation

Results of taste tests are presented in Table 5. The sensory evaluation scores of duck hasty treated with honey increased with increasing concentration of humectants (p<0.05), although differences in color and overall acceptability backdrop remained insignificant between six% and x% concentrations. Samples treated with x% beloved showed the highest scores, followed by those treated with rice syrup and sorbitol. However, the tenderness scores of the samples treated with rice syrup were lower than those of the samples treated with half dozen% and 10% sorbitol. Honey has been known for decades to enhance sweetness, and confer functional advantages, nutritional value, and unique flavours in wide array of food products (Antony et al., 2000). Nagai et al. (2006) detected higher hedonic response to beef, pork, chicken, and fish meat stored with love. Beloved was meant in this study to supercede sorbitol, an unnatural humectant, and to increase hedonic credence of duck hasty. Results indicate that application of dearest finer enhances colour, flavour, tenderness, sweetness, and overall acceptability. The unique flavour, sweetness, and night red-xanthous colour resulting from dear treatment played a positive role in the sensory evaluation of restructured duck jerky, distinguishing it from other humectant treatments. Accordingly, honey might be a strongly recommendable alternative natural humectant in identify sorbitol in restructured duck jerky.

Table 5

Sensory evaluations of restructured duck jerkies prepared with honey, rice syrup, and sorbitol

Treatments Concentration (%) Colour Flavour Tenderness Sweet Overall acceptability
Dear 3 8.00±0.48b 7.50±0.46c vii.threescore±0.20c 7.00±0.52d 7.threescore±0.25bc
6 eight.50±0.46a eight.00±0.43b 8.xx±0.46b 8.00±0.63b 8.03±1.24ab
10 8.50±0.41a 8.50±0.55a 8.60±0.29a 8.50±0.35a 8.27±0.23a
Rice syrup three eight.00±0.55b half-dozen.50±0.27e 7.forty±0.20c 6.50±0.27e seven.08±0.51d
six 7.50±0.xxxc 7.00±0.36d 7.50±0.29c vii.00±0.27d 7.42±0.19cd
ten vii.40±0.24c 7.50±0.33c 8.00±0.31b seven.fifty±0.50c vii.55±0.50cd
Sorbitol 3 7.50±0.28c vi.40±0.30e 7.l±0.29c 6.40±0.21eastward 7.10±0.47d
6 7.30±0.35cd seven.00±0.17d eight.00±0.31b 6.fifty±0.45e 7.42±0.19cd
ten 7.00±0.37d seven.50±0.33c 8.50±0.36a seven.00±0.27d 7.53±0.47cd


This study was conducted in order to examine the physicochemical characteristics of duck jerkies treated with honey and rice syrup, and evaluate their feasibility every bit replacements for sorbitol. The use of natural humectants in this written report positively affected the chemical backdrop of duck hasty, specially at college concentrations. The samples treated with dearest had better properties than those treated with the same concentration of rice syrup and sorbitol. Therefore, honey, has the potential to exist used equally a natural humectant and replaces the utilize of sorbitol. Further inquiry is needed to written report the power of these humectants to extend the shelf life of restructured duck hasty.


This report was supported by the Leaders in Manufacture-Academy Cooperation Project, Ministry building of Education (MOE) and the National Research Foundation (NRF), and the Research Fund of Gangneung-Wonju National Academy, Korea.



We certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organisation regarding the material discussed in the manuscript.


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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4698708/

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